I have now activated paid subscriptions. This is a way to help support my blogging activity and to access some subscriber benefits.
As a paid subscriber, you will gain:
At least three extra posts a month. (That’s calendar months, starting from January 2024)
The ability to leave comments on posts.
My gratitude.
You have a choice of subscription options:
£4.50 for a month’s subscription.
£45 for a year’s subscription.
More, if you want to encourage me with a founding subscription.
I currently plan to make future “Two Stars and a Wish” posts subscriber-only. I also intend to use the subscriber-only option for posts that otherwise might set off too much Twitter drama. Additionally, I would like to do occasional posts answering questions from my paid subscribers.
Free subscriptions remain available, and most posts will stay free, as I still want to contribute to public debate.
If you are a paid subscriber, and you don’t mind all others knowing, please say hello in the comments. And thank you very much for supporting my blogging.